Winter Fishing in Pemberton

Experience Winter Fishing At Its Best

Pemberton has some of the world’s best winter fishing. The lakes start to freeze over late November and are usually safe to start ice fishing in mid-December. At about this time, the steelhead are in full swing.


The season for steelhead starts in November and runs through to about April. In April, the Coastal Cutthroat fishing takes off. Coastal Cutthroat are a sea run trout and when they hit the rivers in Pemberton, they hit them in BIG numbers. It is not uncommon to catch 10 to 20 of these feisty fish in an afternoon of fishing.


You can expect to encounter the following species: Steelhead, Rainbow trout, Bull trout, Coastal cutthroat, and more.

Ice Fishing

Ice fishing is a great winter sport that Pemberton has to offer. Immersing yourself in nature while spending a day on a frozen lake is a great way to rejuvenate. The scenery of a high mountain lake will take your breath away and there is something to be said about looking into your ice hole and watching a five-pound rainbow trout take your lure.


In the Winter months while ice fishing we catch Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout, Kokanee, Cutthroat Trout and Pike Minnows. Trout from the Pemberton area easily reach upwards of 10lbs. Fish ON!

Ice Huts

These huts will keep you warm on those cold winter days and block out the light so you can see into your hole. Sit back with a friend and talk about whose fish is bigger or what bait and/or lure is working best, while in comfort.